Teaching the Qur'an Online and Over Time"The Qur'an: Basic Resources"
[Photo Credit: Cheikh lisant le Coran, c. 1880, Abdullah Freres, Collection Pierre de Gigord, Paris]
Note: These sites are provided as a resource base. This is not an endorsement of the content of any specific site. If you have comments or note any problems, please contact the webshaykh, Daniel Martin Varisco.
Last Update 6/11
The Qur'an in Arabic
[Access any part of the Quran, listen to a recitation online, and look at the side-by-sie translation in six languages.]
•• alislam.org http://www.alislam.org/quran/search2/
• El Azhar (Egypt) http://www.elazhar.com/qurana/def1.asp
• IslamiCity http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/ArabicScript/sindex.htm
• muslim-web http://quran.muslim-web.com/
•• Quran.com http://quran.com/
•• Searchtruth.com http://www.searchtruth.com/chapter_display.php
• Submission.org http://www.submission.org/efarsi/arabic/arabic_table.html
• Arabic Calligraphy http://www.islamicart.com/main/calligraphy/index.html
[Comprehensive site about the origins and development of Arabic calligraphy, major styles, examples of scripts and Qur'anic passages from various countries.]• Art Islamic http://www.artislamic.com/
[Archive of free calligraphic web art.]• Calligraphy: Arab Gateway http://www.al-bab.com/arab/visual/calligraphy.htm
[Examples and links to other websites.]• Calligraphy: al-Islam.org http://www.al-islam.org/gallery/photos/images.htm
[Historical examples from The Splendour of Islamic Calligraphy by Abdelkebir Khatibi and Mohammed Sijelmassi. (London: Thames and Hudson)]
- • Gold Quran http://goldkoran.mse.jhu.edu/
- • Islamic Calligraphy http://www.islamicity.com/Culture/Calligraphy/default.HTM
• Islamic Calligraphy with Mohamed Zakariya http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/islamic_medical/calligraphy/calligraphy.html
[Film and synopsis about the art of Arabic calligraphy.]• Rahila's Islamic Graphics Archive http://digiartport.net/daarulnaeem/main.html
[There are 1278 free gif images on 106 pages].
Qur'an Manuscripts
• Alphabetical list of Open Access Islamic Manuscripts Collections http://amirmideast.blogspot.com/2010/12/alphabetical-list-of-open-access_10.html
[Major listing of sites for Qur'anic manuscripts on the internet.]• The Koran Collection At The Topkapi Palace Library (Banu Mahir) http://www.ee.bilkent.edu.tr/~history/topkapi.html and http://www.quran.org.uk/out.php?LinkID=53
• The Minassian Collection of Qur'anic Manuscripts http://library.brown.edu/cds/projects/quran/browse-images/
• Quran Manuscripts (Brannon Wheeler) http://www.usna.edu/Users/humss/bwheeler/quran/quran_index.html
• The Qur'anic Manuscripts
[Large selection of Quranic manuscript pages in museums and libraries.]• Sultan Baybars' Qur'an http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/themes/asianafricanman/sultanbaybars.html
[Digital version of manuscript from the British Library.]
Searching the Qur'an
- Arabic Search Engine (Al-Azhar) http://www.altafsir.com/Quran_Search.asp
- • The Glorious Quran http://www.iad.org/
[Sponsored by The Islamic Affairs Department of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C. Click on "Quran on left. Search by word or phrase.]
- The Holy Qur'an Words http://dictionary.al-islam.com/eng/Indices/contents.asp?Lang=ENG&CurrPage=1&IF=Quran
[Al-Islam.com. Arranged by English word. When you click, you get the relevant verse in English and Arabic.]• Location of Qur'anic Verses http://www.quran-hadith-index.com/quranpersonalnotes.htm
- An Index to the Qur'an (USC) http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/quran/quranindex.html
[Islamic Server of MSA-USC. Arranged by English word with list of relevant verses posted.- • IslamiCity Quran Search http://www.islamicity.com/QuranSearch/?Aspx
• MSA-USC Qur'an Database http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/reference/searchquran.html
[Islamic Server of MSA-USC. Search by one word or several.] Noble Quran Search Engine http://www.answering-christianity.com/quran_search.htm
• Phonetic Search of the Quran http://www.islamicity.com/ps/
• Topic Index of the Quran (IslamiCity) http://www.islam.org/Mosque/TOPICI.HTM
• ANSWERS FROM THE QUR'AN For Newcomers to Islam (Harun Yahya) http://www.harunyahya.com/books/faith/answers/answers.php
• Beyond Probability: GOD'S MESSAGE IN MATHEMATICS http://www.quran.org/code/beyond.htm
• Discover Islam: Quran http://www.beconvinced.com/archive/en/main.php?action=showcat&catid=04
[Various articles and audio files.]• Etiquettes of reading the Noble Quran http://www.islamweb.net/ver2/archive/article.php?lang=E&id=135426
• Forgotten Witness: Evidence For The Early Codification Of The Qur'an (Estelle Whelan) http://www.islamic-awareness.org/History/Islam/Dome_Of_The_Rock/Estwitness.html
• The Holy Quran Center http://islamicity.com/mosque/quran/
[Portal with lots of information and links.]• An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'an (Ahmad von Denffer) http://www.youngmuslims.ca/online_library/books/ulum_al_quran/
http://www.islambasics.com/view.php?bkID=65• "Islam, the Qur'an and the Arabic Literature" (Elsayed M.H Omran ) http://www.al-islam.org/al-serat
- King Fahd Quran Complex http://www.qurancomplex.com/
[Variety of information, resources and illustrations.]- • THE KORAN, INTEREST & THE ECONOMY (Muhammed A. Asadi) http://www.quran.org/library/articles/interest.htm
- • The Moral Values Of The Qur'an http://www.harunyahya.com/moral.php
- • The Quran - The Miracle Of Miracles (Ahmed Deedat) http://www.islambasics.com/view.php?bkID=160
• The Qur'an and Qur'anic Interpretation (Alan Godlas) http://www.uga.edu/islam/quran.html
[Wide variety of links and resources.]• "THE QURAN AS A GREAT BOOK: MUSLIM PERSPECTIVES" http://www.ahjur.org/lectures/quran.html
[Lecture delivered by Daniel M. Varisco at Hofstra University, 1993.]• Quran Connection http://quranconnection.com/
["The aim of this site is to help those who connect with al quran connect with other like-minded individuals, whether it be for friendship, marriage or general networking . We hope members find this site useful and are able to build bonds, grow with each other and create a worldwide community worthy of God's blessings: build your own network of contacts who share your interests, use built-in communication services (chat, messaging), create blogs/polls/events/classifieds/projects and get responses, create clubs and invite people, who share your interests."]
Critical Scholarship on the Qur'an
• Bell's Introduction to the Qur'an (Revised by Montgomery Watt) http://www.truthnet.org/islam/Watt/Chapter11.html
[Chapter 11: The Quran and Occidental Scholarship. This is an out-of-date but widely read study originally from 1953.]• Book Review: Christoph Luxenberg (ps.) Die syro-aramaeische Lesart des Koran; Ein Beitrag zur Entschlüsselung der Qur'ansprache. [Robert R. PHENIX Jr. and Cornelia B. HORN]. Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 6 (2003) 1.
[" Not in the history of commentary on the Qur’Çn has a work like this been produced. Similar works can only be found in the body of text-critical scholarship on the Bible. From its method to its conclusions on the language and content of the Qur’Çn, Luxenberg’s study has freed scholars from the problematic tradition of the Islamic commentators. Whether or not Luxenberg is correct in every detail, with one book he has brought exegetical scholarship of the Qur’Çn to the “critical turn” that biblical commentators took more than a century ago. This work demonstrates to all exegetes of the Qur'an the power of the scientific method of philology and its value in producing a clearer text of the Qur'an. Scholars of the first rank will now be forced to question the assumption that, from a philological perspective, the Islamic tradition is mostly reliable, as though it were immune to the human error that pervades the transmission of every written artifact. If biblical scholarship is any indication, the future of Qur’anic studies is more or less decided by this work."] For a Muslim response by M. S. M. Saifullah, see http://www.islamic-awareness.org/Quran/Text/luxreview1.html.]• The Foreign vocabul;ary of the Qur'an (Arthur Jeffrey) http://www.bible.ca/islam/library/Jeffery/thq.htm
[Free download of his 1938 book.]• „Inârah. Institut zur Erforschung der frühen Islamgeschichte und des Koran. Inârah Institute for Research on Early Islamic History and the Koran“ http://www.inarah.de/cms/
• JAM' AL-QUR'AN: THE CODIFICATION OF THE QUR'AN TEXT (John Gilchrist) http://answering-islam.org/Gilchrist/Jam/index.html
• The Journal of Quranic Studies (Edinburgh University Press) http://www.euppublishing.com/journal/jqs
• The Quran (Theodore Noeldeke) http://www.answering-islam.org/Books/Noeldeke/quran.htm
• The Qur'an, Hadith, and the Prophet Muhammad
[Interactive scholarly site with information and links to other sites. Created and maintained by Alan Godlas.]• Scholars Are Quietly Offering New Theories of the Koran [ALEXANDER STILLE] New York Times (and International Herald Tribune), March 4, 2002.
http://www.corkscrew-balloon.com/02/03/1bkk/04b.html• The Textual History of the Qur'an (Arthur Jeffery) http://www.bible.ca/islam/library/Jeffery/thq.htm
• What is the Koran? [Toby Lester] Atlantic Monthly (January, 1999)
[This article is a popular summary of critical research on the Qur'an. For a Muslim response by M. S. M Saifullah, see http://www.themodernreligion.com/basic/quran/quran_days_years.htm -- scroll down half way here for this selection]
• al-Quran Explorer http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/downloads/Al_Quran_Explorer_27366_p/
[This software aims to help professional Muslim user such as lawyers, Muslim/Syariah judges, journalist, columnist, editors, book authors, lecturers, religious researchers and students to work with Quran easier than ever. This software contains hierarchal view of all verses in Quran, either sorted by Surah (chapters), Juzu' (parts) or Editable Maudhu' (Subject). This software also equipped with advanced search tool, advanced multiple verses Lookup and content management. An integrated advanced reference tools for Quran, which is integrate with Tafsir and translation.]
"Rashid in the World of the Quran"
[Quran Software (Windows) program for children to learn the recitation and teachings of the Quran.]• QuranReciter http://www.shaplus.com/free-quran-software/quran-mp3-software/QuranReciter/quranreciter-features.htm [Freeware.]